ESCOM is an international non-profit society to promote theoretical, experimental and applied research in the cognitive sciences of music.
C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de notre fondatrice, la Docteure Irène Deliège, survenu le samedi 11 mai 2024.
It is with great regret that we report the passing of our founder, Dr Irène Deliège, on Saturday 11th May 2024.
Irène Deliège: An Obituary
MUSICÆ SCIENTIÆ publishes empirical, theoretical and critical articles directed at increasing understanding of how music is perceived, represented and generated.
Any systematic work within the domains of psychology, philosophy, aesthetics, music analysis, musicology, cognitive science, education, artificial intelligence, modelling and neuropsychology that advances that aim will be considered for publication.

Why become an ESCOM member?
You will be supporting, and be seen to be supporting, a leading organization within your research discipline.
You will be linked to a large and growing community of international researchers from a wide range of related fields and expertise.
You will receive four paper copies of Musicæ Scientiæ sent to your home address (unless opted out, see more for details).
The ESCOM Triennial Conferences take place every three years in Europe.
Every second ESCOM Triennial Conference is organised together with ICMPC, the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition.
In addition to the three-year cycle, there are occasional anniversary conferences such as the 10th Anniversary Conference in Liège in 2002 and the 25th Anniversary Conference in Ghent.
We accept the main findings of current climate science and their urgent implications for academic conference culture, and are acting accordingly.
We therefore aim for ESCOM conferences to have a relatively low carbon footprint.
Our climate action also promotes the accessibility and cultural diversity of our events and improves the quality and quantity of our academic output by combining virtual and live participation, for example by holding multi-hub conferences.
Our green and inclusive conferencing project was nominated for the green impact national awards and has been chosen as the runner-up for the Environmental Improvement Award.
We are encouraging international colleagues to follow our lead.